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April 12 cont'd.  [[triangle around number]] 2 [[/ triangle around number]]
flows.  Then you [[strikethrough]] [[flew?]][[/strikethrough]] pull lever to dump bowl into hopper below.  Then open air valve, & pull charge lever right way [[watching?]] pressure guage up to  20-25 lbs. Next open outside discharge valve with (lift up and down lever), open gate valve by rotating wheel, and last move change lever the other way to discharge side; when container below closet bowl is blown clear.  Last shut off valves.

Had nice lunch aboard in small ward room.  It is just separated from rest of compartment by a light partition, which because of type of sub, & need for getting at batteries does not extend to decks under foot & has no doors into state rooms just off [[strikethrough]][[land?]][[/strikethrough]]side of ^[[ward]] room, or portion of crews quarters just forward of it in same compartment.  Just two toilets on whole sub.

After lunch went ashore to see what possibilities of hiking inland were & after great deal of hacking at them