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[[circled]] April 13th [[/circled]] Apr. 13 [[boxed]]1 [[/boxed]]
Up at 5 - 5:30 a.m. ashore & started by 8:30 a.m. /
We had our shore excursion. Went over to beach Sunday a.m. got parties organized and started away from shore about 83. Walked and hacked our our way inland by a devious route, as we thought and hoped toward the crater we had picked out from shore, or rather from boat approaching shore because we could only see it, at some distance away from land. ^[[On Saturday afternoon and from ship as we were coming in in sub to Conway Bay.]]

It was impossible to keep to the right direction as it proved later we went way astray. Both in former part of jaunt which lasted (with a few brief rests till 11:30; and later in our 2 hour continuation of journey. As I have often said each of these Galapagos Islands is a different kind of a Hell, & the north side of Indefatigable, this side of first ridge down to the shore is no exception and more over is [[strikethrough]] own [[/strikethrough]] one of its own peculiar kind. / The brush here on Indefatigable