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[[underlined]]April 18 cont'd[[/underlined]]  18 [[circled]]4[[/circled]]
got out again as nicely as I have anywhere. By the way this & Houston cruises is only  ones ^[[down here]] on which I didn't get dumped [[strikethrough]]on[[/strikethrough]] (boat sideways on in surf) and wet at least once.
  The chowder party was a grand affair canned milk fish water hard tack potatoes and seasoning, hot in great big pot; had three bowls of it. One of sub Capts, all of whom had been invited brought along a lot of grand apple pies, some of us had two [[slatz?]] , ( six cuts (navy regulations so Capt Pickins said to the pie. ^[[There was ice water in jugs and coffee too.]] Sat around bon fire in the dark for quite a while enjoy starlit night, and mosquitos. But it was a good, well fed, congenial party. I wouldn't have missed it for a very great deal.