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19th [[ 2 circled ]]
fragments apparently still moist as with something edible in them as they were covered with flies. At first thought it was the nest; but after I followed heron with plumes out of back of head [[image-sketch of side view  of bird’s head showing long narrow beak pointing to left and plumes at back of head]] and a shorter legged heavier billed and bodied one and had about given up I found the real place described to be and flushed one (or the very)stocky heron out of a tree with some noise took me a while [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] even then to discover nest. 3 young in it, one quite small (distance 3 1/2 feet photo) (maybe I can work size out from that, or from leaves of mangrove)) a middle size, but more nearer largest than smaller bird were a quite pea green)[[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Parent heron did not come back whole time, I had to take the first photos while sun was under cloud; Wanting to see time, I wandered up beach to pinnacles but found no body and as sun had meanwhile come back bright and strong and rushed back for another