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[[underlined]]Tues.[[/underlined]] April. 1, 1941 enroute Santa Elena
[[circled]]1[[/circled]] Wind N.W 2-1-SW.2
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] Temp. (a)Dry 73-91[[written over]]91[[/written over]] (b) Wet 76-84 (c) 76-82
[[circled]]3[[/circled]] Weather BC and C

    [[underlined]]Wed[[/underlined]] April. 2 [[circled to insert]] at. Malpelo 8:30 am. to 1:00 p.m. only[[/circled to insert]] [[strikethrough]]enroute Santa Elena[[/strikethrough]]
[[circled]]1[[/circled]] SSW [[notation 2 above W]], S [[notation 4, 5, 2 above S]], to S.E. 2
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] (a). 83-[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] 92 (b) 78-82 [[notation 78-82 above numbers]] (c) 80-82
[[circled]]3[[/circled]] B - BC

    [[underlined]]Thursday[[/underlined]] April 3. enroute Santa Elena
[[circled]]1[[/circled]] S.W., (1)-S(2)-S.S.W (3-4). SW. 2
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] (a) 83-88 [[notation 83-88 above]] (b) 77-81 [[notation 77 above]] (c) 82-83
[[circled]]3[[/circled]] BC - C - B.C.
12-16 special watches posted as [[directed?]] by [[neptunus?]] Rex
1340 Neptunus Reg. Royal Queen & Royal Baby.
1535 [Party over], Royal party left ship. Jolly Roger hauled down.
2150 [[strikethrough]]20-24[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]Ra[[/strikethrough]] Lighter steamer lights passed [[tramp?]] to Port. dist 2 miles
[Only str.[[jassed?]] [[circled text to insert]]or sees[[circled text to insert]] on cruise