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Sick Certificate of The Blandensburg Union.

City or Town: ^[[Hyattsville]]
State: ^[[Md]]
Month: ^[[Feby]]
Date: ^[[13]]
Year: ^[[1926]]

This certifies that ^[[Ella Lewis]] is sick with ^[[Grip]], and under my professional care.

^[[W. Allan [[Quiffeti[[guess]] ]], M.D.

Was taken ^[[about Feby 1[[?]] 1926]]

^[[W. R. Davis.]] Chairman of the Sick.

Transcription Notes:
still don't understand why if all info there and accurate, someone would change just to insert what they think is the correct format. Who actually knows what the correct format is for this individual project. Seems a waste of time to do so. Also, notes entered in this section should not be erased by others. This is for the Smithsonian use