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[[preprinted in blue]] 128 [[/preprinted in blue]]

Expenses & Receipts.

June 1, 1909 _ to May 31, 1910.

Expenses. Receipts.
| | June 7, | 2.50 | 24.25
| | July 12, | 2.50 | 16.65
| | August | 7.50 | 46. _
| | September | 2.50 | 34. _
| | October | 7.50 | 40.05
| | November _ _ _ _
| | December | 8.50 | 46.50
| | 1910 - January | 48.50 | 29.50
| | February | 22.50 | 27.80
| | March | 12. _ | 23.15
| | April | 4. _ | 32.70 
| | May | 3.50 | 19.90

| | May 31, 1910, Total Receipts, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | $340.50
| | " " [[dittos for: May 31,]] 1910, " Expenses, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | $121.50 |

| | Gain, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | $219...
 | May 31, 1909, _ _ _ On Hand, _ _ _ | | $1,500.45
| | May 31, 1910, On Hand, a total of _ _ _ _ _ | | $1,719.45

Respectfully submitted,

Nellie A. Plummer,

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[[preprinted in blue]] 129 [[/preprinted in blue]]

Year 1910-1911!

Watchman, What of the Night?

Ere it closes two of the oldest members of The Union shall have crossed the swelling Tide. Answered Roll Call for the last time. Elizabeth Moss Kent, second daughter of the late Reuben C. and Harriet Gearing Moss, was a member from girlhood. Always kept in touch, and financial. She departed this life, June 10, 1911. May she rest in peace.

On Friday, July 28, 1911, the summons we call death, conveyed away from us our beloved and honored President, brother and friend, Nicholas Saunders Plummer. A subtle disease of the heart slowly but surely crept upon him. So that at 4.30 P.M. his heart stopped as suddenly as does a clock that is run down. The heart disease was super-induced by Brights disease of the kidneys. He was born a slave in 1851, Oct. 13. The 5th child of Adam Francis and Emily Saunders Plummer. He was sold at auction when but 6 weeks old in his mother's arms. Was always loving and obedient to his parents. All the first money he earned before his majority was taken by his father to pay B. [[strikethrough]] B. [[/strikethrough]] F. Guy for a tract of 10 acres, named Rose Mount, which

- See Page 137 - 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: per instructions, added text denoted by " marks Someone has been typing a word or two and then completing for review on almost every page. I am reopening these for people to come in and complete as I have done for many of these pages