Viewing page 74 of 83

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[[preprinted in blue]] 136 [[/preprinted in blue]]

1911. $

Apr. | 3. | To Monthly Dues | | | | 21. | 55
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 3.]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Edward Brown | | $6 | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 3.]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | | | .50 | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 3.]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Secretary | | | .50 | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 3.]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Assistant Secretary | | | .50 | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 3.]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Church Rent | | 2. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 8 | " [[ditto for: To]] Lizzie Moss Kent | | 3. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 8]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Thomas Jackson | | 3. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 17 | " [[ditto for: To]] Lizzie Moss Kent | | 3. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 17]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Lizzie Williams | | 3. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 17]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Thomas Jackson | | 3. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 30 | " [[ditto for: To]] Thomas Jackson, 2nd. Cer. | | 3 | | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 3 | " [[ditto for: To]] Application Fees | $3 | | | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 24 | " [[ditto for: To]]Lizzie Williams | | 3 | | |
[[line]] [[line]]
May | 1 | " [[ditto for: To]] Monthly Dues, | | | | 27. | 50
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]]Appli. Fees, | 1 | | | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton, | | | .50 | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Secretary | | | .50 | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Assist. Secretary | | | .50 | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Church Rent | | 2. | _ | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]]Josephine Beckett | | 6. | _ | |
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Chairman Sick, Expenses | | | .68 | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | 19 | " [[ditto for: To]] Belle Hawkins | | 3. | | |
" [[ditto for: May]] | 26 | " [[ditto for: To]] Belle Hawkins | | 6. | | |
" [[ditto for: May]] | 31 | " [[ditto for: To]] N. Saunders Plummer | | 3. | | |
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 31]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Martha E. Brown | | 3. | | |  

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[[preprinted in blue]] 137 [[/preprinted in blue]]

[[double underlined]] Ends [[/double underlined]] May 31, 1911, [[double underlined]] Record, [[/double underlined]]

has been the family homestead, since July 14, 1868 or 44 years. _ Saunders married Miss Fannie Harris, Sept. 4, 1873. Fifteen children were born to them _ ten were grown. 

Having a large family kept him with the [[double underlined]] Church [[/double underlined]] and [[double underlined]] Union [[/double underlined]] continuously for about 37 years. This made him invaluable to both.

With his stifling manhood and steadfast Christian character, he became the [[double underlined]] back-bone [[/double underlined]] not only of the church and Society but of the community. His health rapidly failed from May to July 28th. when he passed away. He so desired to meet the Union on Anniversary Sunday once more, that he came on 14th. Sun. in June against his family's wishes. We had a most impressive service _ Elder Lewis C Sheafe preached and sang _ Text: Fine Smooth Stones for David. Sang "I want to go There etc." The whole service so filled him with delight at the goodness of the Lord that at the close of the service brother Saunders asked our indulgence while the choir sang "Nearer My God to Thee"! A solemnity that is indescribable fell on [[double underlined]] all! [[/double underlined]] During his remarks as President, his thoughts were most significant, especially when he said, "If you love me, keep up [[double underlined]] this [[/double underlined]]
(_Page 149_)

Transcription Notes:
Edited: completed transcription Someone has been typing a word or two and then completing for review on almost every page. I am reopening these for people to comee in and complete as I have done for many of these pages