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Before making your selection for New Songs or New Song Books. We compose, correct, set, impose, print, bind and sell 7-8 of all the song books made by Negroes in these United States.
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21 different song books and the National Anthems for you to make selections from.
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THE NATIONAL ANTHEM SERIES Contains the perfection of music especially prepared for choirs.
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Why worry with those old backless, torn and worn-out books, when you can get 3 dozen for less money? Write today.
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National Baptist Publishing Board 
523 2nd Ave., N.      Nashville, Tenn.
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Metoka and Galeda MAGAZINE

The Journal of the Metoka and Galeda Classes Devoted to the Interest of Young Men and Women 


With M. and G. Classes.
Articles in Review.
Metoka-Galeda Contest.
International Lessons.

Subscription Price: 50 cts per year; 10 cts a copy. Remittances should be sent to
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National Baptist Publishing Board
523 Second Avenue, North 
Nashville, Tennessee
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