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BOYD'S B. Y. P. U. MANUAL     81

busy at worth while tasks. He should see that the church elects a B. Y. P. U. director and sets
 up the general B. Y. P. U. organization, where necessary, whose business it will be to develop the B. Y. P. U. work in the church.

(2) The Sunday School Superintendent.

The superintendent of the Sunday School should link up with the pastor and aid him in planning for the training of young church members. He should help find a B. Y. P. U. director wherever one is needed. The superintendent is usually a man of influence in the church. There it is no place where his influence will count for more to the cause of Christ than to use it in a substantial way in behalf of the young members of his church.

From among these young members the sympathetic, vigilant, aggressive Sunday-school superintendent will be able, in a short time, to secure all additional officers and teachers needed for the Sunday-school.

The live Sunday-school superintendent will not sit and wring his hands and idly wish for consecrated, intelligent Sunday-school officers and teachers. He will get into intimate, personal 
touch with the young people in the B. Y. P. U.