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Since all these things are true of our Texas summer assemblies, our people generally should make these encampments an object of prayer, and should give every possible encouragement to the question of attendance upon them.

As president of one of our Texas encampments, I speak from experience when I say that our Baptist summer assemblies are unique in their religious opportunities for the churches in their effect upon all who attend. The flagging life of many of our churches in Texas needs just the fire and fresh, sparkling spirit which would certainly be brought back to them by a fine company returning from one of our encampments. It has been my observation for several years that the people who once 
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attend a great encampment rarely fail to come back to them. They find it too good to miss, and they put it into their plans to be back from year to year.

It does not take a great expenditure of money to attend one of our encampments. Attendance upon them is never prohibitive from that standponit. We live when there as cheaply, and usually more cheaply, than we do at home. We generally do what we plan to do. If we will put the attendance upon one of our great encampments into our plan, it will be easy to arrange. I promise a glorious time to any one who attends any one of our encampments. "People are more and more attending conventions for Bibical [sic] instruction." -Baptist Standard.
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[[image - black and white photograph of 2 rows of males]]
[[caption]] A Group of Boy Cadets. [[/caption]]
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The Contest.

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The Indian-Buffalo Hunt.

We hope the Metoka-Galeda Classes will take hold readily to the Contest. On the morning of the 16th and that you will have an increased number of young men and women in your classes.

The class making the best report and donating the largest amount to the National Department for the support of its work will be awarded a Silver Loving Cup at the close of the contest. We hope in this you will conduct a Christian campaign; that there will be no polling or padding of reports but that each one shall build upon merit, using legitimate and Christian means for every effort put forth to raise money. We also ask in this that you encourage the method of giving as taught by the Bible and approved by Christian organizations. Get to work now and make your city and town a Metoka-Galeda one. In whose Sunday School will the first Sunday in the New Year 1918 find this Loving Cup? Will it be yours?

The Time To Enter Indian Buffalo Contest Is At Hand. Go on the Warpath.
With the following Officers and Tribes:

Assistant Chief,
Tomahawk, or Recording Secretary,
Squaw, or Corresponding Secretary, Wampum, or Treasurer,
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Iroquois, Strong in number confident of victory.
Algonquin, The Winning Tribe-Every member present.
Cherokees, The Fighting Tribe.
Creeks, The Uprisers-True Christians.
Chippewa, The Braves.
Sioux, The Troublers.
Apalachee, Every Member Active.
Pequod, Union.
Narragansett, Ready at any Time.
Choctaws, Peace and Industry.
Pawnees, Men-of-Men.
Aztecs, Builders.
Chickasaw, Restless.

The Meeting Place will be called Wigwams.

Any Metoka or Galeda May Enter That Subscribes For the Metoka-Galeda Magazine.

If you are not a subscriber, begin now and enter this Membership Contest. Classes desiring to enter independently may choose any Tribe Name they desire, Remember the Conditions: The Largest Number of Buffaloes (or new members), the Largest amount of Scalps (or money raised), and the Largest Donation to the National Metoka-Galeda Department for the support of its work. 
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