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[[boxed advertisement]]

[[image: line drawing of man - facing audience; right arm pointing at lapel button, left arm stretched up; legs spread to shoulder-width; wearing a homburg hat, high collar and tie, light-color three-piece suit, polished dark shoes]]

[[to the proper right of man's head]] Get a New Suit At Once FREE

[[to the proper left of man's hand]]
See My General Agent Button?

[[to the proper right of man's body]]
This Young Man now has a fine paying General Agency and makes Big Money in his Spare Time.

[[in between man's feet]]
This is One of Our Spare Time General Agent Members.

[[to the proper left of man's hand]]
See! It's True!

I am a General Agent Member NOW
of this Mighty Tailoring Society 

And my Dandy Tailored Suit of Clothes Cost me Nothing


Amazing, marvelously beautiful suit of lavishly tailored clothes. You never saw the like before! Captivating style, irresistibly pretty, splendid fit. Made to my own measure. My own friends didn't know me, thought it was some Rich Stranger come to town. People's eyes just popped out when I walked down street, wanted to know where did I get those clothes, were there any more, could they get a suit just like it, how much would it cost? Everyone was excited. I took their orders, pleased them all, made a nice profit on each one. Now I am the General Agent for my Territory in my Spare Time, having a good time, making lots of money, I never was an Agent before, but this is just like play. I now make $50 to $100 a month in my spare time,or $100 to $500 if I put in full time. I can work near home or get around and see the country.

Elegant Button Free - Astounding New Plan - Leaders and Organizers WANTED

I also received this beautiful General Agent's Emblem Insignia Society Button to wear which shows that I am a General Agent Member of this Most Wonderful, Marvelous Society. I have got the Swellest Tailored Suit of Clothes in this Town - it fits me like a new glove, because it was made to my measure from goods which I myself picked out. People turn and look at me now as I pass. Men who never noticed me before speak to me NOW. Oh, I tell you, wearing Fine Tailored Clothes certainly does make a big difference. It put me right up to the top as a Great Big Leader. 

I Make Big Money Too - It's Dead Easy When You Learn How

After I got my Magnificent Suit of Clothes the Liberty Society offered my the Appointment as General Agent for my Territory in my Spare Time and I accepted. The very first day I took four orders and made $21.88 profit for myself. This is the easiest thing I ever struck. This new Liberty Society idea takes like wildfire. Everyone wants to join the Liberty. Everyone gets the Gorgeous Button. Everyone gets the Society's work free. All I do is explain the Amazing New Liberty Society plan - take the orders, collect the money, deliver the goods when they come, and keep out my own profits. I am earning over twice as much as I ever did before, and the people are coming to me in droves to give me their orders. Nothing ever came here before that set the people going like this.

[[image: halftone of round button - "LIBERTY TAILOR SOCIETY" around edges, Statue of Liberty in middle, banner at bottom with "I PILGRIM I"]]
[[caption]]General Agent Member's Emblem Insignia Official Button[[/caption]]

[[to the proper right side of the box]]
Every New Member Gets Emblem Society Insignia Button Free - Greatest Idea Out

This makes it easy to get orders. And each General Agent also becomes a degree member and gets all the degrees FREE and all the glorious degree Buttons FREE. Oh, it's simply wonderful. I never heard of such an amazing plan before. And it didn't cost me a cent, not a red penny. Perhaps you can get a suit of clothes FREE too - and receive the magnificent Rose Gold Plate Emblem Button FREE - and get yourself Appointed General Agent for your Territory for your Spare Time and admitted to the Agents Order FREE known as The Ancient and Accepted Order of M. H. - and earn twice as much money as now, just like I am doing. Write quick and try for it. You can work Spare Time or Full, just as you like. You can start in Spare Time and grow with the work. Fast Promotion is sure, right from the start. No license is required. Be sure to hurry just like I did, so you will be the first one from your locality. Some other shrewd fellow might see the Society's literature and beat you to it. So hurry and write quick. Receive beautiful, latest Sample Book of Fine Cloth Goods, secret wholesale prices to General Agents and Complete Information. Send no money, just your name - get a hustle on and write quick for it. 

Write Quick - the name and address is: Hon. W. G. Critchlow, Gen. Mgr., 
Dept. 151, The Liberty Tailoring Society, 843 West Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois.

Entire Adv. Copyright, 1917, by the Liberty Tailoring Society. All Rights Reserved. 

[[/boxed advertisement]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[box: small red diamonds]]
[[blue box]]

[[column 1]]

[[image: man in a Glen plaid suit, high collar and tie, holding a hat in right hand, with a cane hooked over left crooked arm]]

[[to the proper left of the image]]

To Introduce Our Nobby Clothes In Your Town

It's the very ffnest [sic] suit you ever saw. $50 couldn't buy a better one, but you can get it free  It's made to your measure from the most beautiful cloth, choice of stripes, checks or plain patterns. Send us your name and address today. Don't fail to get one of these suits. You can earn it while you wear it and make

[[underlined]] $50 a Week [[/underlined]]

by taking orders. Drop us a postal for latest sam.ple outfit, select the style you want and the cloth- Let us prove our amazing offer. Don't dslay [sic]. We send everything free the same day your request is received. We pay postage on everything. Just send us a postal with your name and address on it.
Paragon Tailoring Co.
Dept. 287 Chicago





[[image: man in a striped suit, wearing hat, left hand leaning on a hooked cane]]

[[to the proper right of the image]]
Send postal today for full information how to get your new suit, made to measure, without a penny's co t. $30 to $40 would not buy a better one. Simply wear it, tell your friends where you got it - take their orders - and make

[[underlined]] $10 to $15 a Day [[/underlined]]

in your spare time. It is dead easy - you never saw a nobbier suit or a more stunning pattern, cut in very latest style. Your choice of 60 fabrics and 32 styles. Drop us a postal card for heavy pattern book, inside information about styles, self-measuring blanks, etc. DON'T WAIT. We pre-pay delivery charges. Mail postal NOW!

American Woolen Mills Co.
Dept. 287 Chicago

[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]


[[short line]]
Starts your liver Without making you sick and can not salivate,
[[short line]]
Every druggist in the South - your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling-off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place.

"Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back.

Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel  Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition.




[[image: halftone of a gramophone, with a large horn, crank on side, and disc record on turntable]]

[[to the proper left of the image]]
Total cost only $7.50 by Our 7 MONTHS TIME Purchase Plan

to prove to you that this magnificent Royal has the Sweetest, Purest, Loudest and Clearest tone - 
to prove to you that it is as large and handsome as the trust machines that sell at $25.00-
to prove to you that it has the strongest motor, the best reproducer and tone arm and the most ingenious devices to start, stop and control the music.
Shipped with a supply of 10-inch double disc records of your selection, so you can enjoy the finest entertainments for one whole month. Return the outfit
if for any reason you do not wish to keep it. Drop a postal for our big list of unsolicited testimonials, record book and other literature. They are free.

S. H. DAVID, P99 6161 May St., CHICAGO



LODESTONE AND MAGNETIC SAND--right from the mines.
3 ozs. for $1.00. 
MODEL CO., 1100 Morton Building, Chicago, I11. 
[[/column 2]]
[[/blue box]]
[[/box: small red diamonds]]