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to work, but also by the application of the truth to the souls of the people by the energy of God.  By the armor of righteousness. Such as that stated by the apostle in Ephesians 6:13-17, where he calls them in the whole armour of God, consisting of the following pieces: the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. On the right hand and on the left.  The right hand as signifying prosperity and the left hand, adversity.  We have the armour to defend us both in prosperity and in adversity.  By the doctrine of the gospel and by the power of God, the apostles were furnished with offensive and defensive weapons; they could ever defend themselves and discomfit their foes. 

(8) By honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report: as deceivers and yet true; Thus we find them fortified against the assaults of carnal hope and fear, against the frowns and smiles of the world, and against every assault of the tempter. Through evil report and good report, they passed, without being elated by the distinctions conferred on them, or depressed by the ignoring to which they were exposed. The carelessness raised concerning them and the commendations which they received were alike incapable of drawing them aside. As deceivers and yet true. The world treated them as deceivers who imposed cunningly devised frictions on the credulous; yet they were conscious of acting in all things as true and faithful men, and showed to mankind the true way of salvation. They were branded as going about as false, yet they did not falter, but proved the brand to be false and that they had nothing in view but God's glory and the salvation of the world. 

(9) As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened and not killed; The wicked deemed these workers as persons suspected harboring dark designs; persons neither birth, parentage, nor respectable connections or relationships in life. The noble and haughty of the world either knew this not or despised as obscure persons unworthy of notice, but they were well known to multitudes as the instrument of good to their souls. They seemed continually exposed to death or even enduring its stroke yet behold they still lived by the marvelous power of God. They had proved themselves to be holy, upright and useful, by the whole train of their sayings and doings through which they could be easily traced as they moved from place to place; having preached openly and having done nothing in a corner. As dying. Through continual dangers, fatigues and persecutions and exposures, and, behold, we live-God was the keeper and they could not be destroyed. As chastened-As though we were disobedient children, and not killed. 

(10) As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing and yet possessing all things. Thoughtful people supposing, from our persecuted state and laborious occupation that we must be the most miserable of all men. Yet always rejoicing. Having the consolation of God's spirit at all times, and a glorious prospect of a blessed immortality. As poor. Destitute of all worldly and secular interests. Yet making many rich. By dispensing to them the treasures of salvation, making them rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom. As having nothing. Being the most abject of the poor. And yet possessing all things that are really necessary to the preservation of our lives, for the wants under which we labor for a time are supplied again by a bountiful providence. 


This is a splendid opportunity to teach the children how to work with God and the blessings which come as payment for such labor. Teach the Primaries that there is work for them to do for the heavenly Father. Obedience and helpfulness, unselfishness and willingness to do the right things are character builders for workmen with God. It is impossible to work with God unless we do the things He wants us to do. Tell the children some of the things which they may do to work with God. 


1. Who are God's fellow workers?
2. When are we to become God's worker?
3. Why do we work with God?
4. What happens when men work with God?

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Lights on the Lesson
By Rev. Bernard Byrd, D.D.

LIGHT NO. 1- In this lesson Ambassador means one that represents the government of the divine kingdom to persons who are not within the fold. Notice that no man is sent as an ambassador to members of his own nation or government, but rather to aliens. As ambassadors we are representing God to the unsaved world. 

LIGHT NO. 2- "He made him to be sin for us" indicates that he accepted the covering of guilt that he might atone for our sins. Men who could not see the heart saw Jesus as a bad or mean man, one to be avoided, consequently carrying him to be tried. He accepted the cloak of sin that he give to us a robe of righteousness. Contrary to the belief of some, the robe of righteousness is given to us in this life. When we are in the end safe with God in the final state we shall receive robes which glorify us. 

LIGHT NO. 3- Through the grace of God, sinners as well as the saved are often blessed. Were it not for the grade of God, this world in all its sins could not stand today. Despite the fact that men can benefit by it, economically, they can be saved with Jesus only by accepting fully of the saving Grace of God as a personal gift from salvation. 

LIGHT NO. 4- "As deceivers and yet true..." etc. reveals to us that a godly man or woman can be seen in one category while living in another. (That is, they may be seen in the wrong light by the ungodly.)

Editorial Reflections

By Rev. S. A. Pleasants, D.D.
Ambassadors of Christ must be filled with the knowledge, wisdom and Spirit of Christ. To plead with any people to be reconciled to God, that one must first be reconciled to God or Christ will never send him as an ambassador. Being prepared by Christ and sent he can without embarrassment be a true ambassador. To take Christ's place in office to help build the Kingdom, one must be prepared by the King, and then sent by Him fully equipt to carry on as required by the one who sends him. 

He tells us Christ was made the offering for sin for us because He knew no sin. He could not have been a sin offering for us had He sinned. Because He knew no sin, hence He made us, who accepted Him as our Saviour, the righteousness of God in Christ. Before we can do righteousness, we must be righteous. It is nothing on our part that we merit that makes us righteous, but it is truly, and fully, the work of God through Christ. 

To be God's righteousness in Christ is not to have any righteousness of or own at all, but all must be the righteousness of Christ imputed to us. To have His righteousness created in us changes our lives, and makes His becomes ours. This favor is given to all who believe in Him, work and gain much for the King and Kingdom. Such workers always hear and do at the appointed time. 

The Holy Spirit here tells us, that the ones who are truly ambassadors for Christ, never let any thing stop them from doing what they are appointed to do; do not allow themselves to give an occasion of stumbling in any thing but in every thing commending themselves as ministers of God. 

Do it in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in watching, in fastings; in pureness, in knowledge, in logsuffering, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, the love unfeigned, in the word of truth, and in the power of God by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left by glory and dishonor, by evil report; and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothings, and possessing all things. 

When any one or ones are faithful as ambassadors being in and going through truly, we must admit that their preparation and sending out were from the Lord, and that every step of the way each day and hour the Holy Spirit lived in them and gave them the power to stand and do His Holy will. Truly we say as Christ once said, As the Father hath sent me even so send I you. All can truly go through with the help from God as was done here.