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the name of Jesus that they might receive remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. They gladly received His word and about Three Thousand were baptized and added to the church, they continued steadfast in the apostle's doctrine and fellowship.

The apostles worked many miracles; and the disciples had all things in common and lived in a state of great happiness and Christian fellowship. Here is pictured the happy state of the primitive Christians. At the public religious gatherings or feasts in Jerusalem there was a sort of public expense. The people were present at all times of public worship. They joined together in prayers and praises to God.


I. PETER PREACHES THE WAY OF SALVATION. (VV. 37-40.) (37) Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Listening intently at the powerful intelligent, constructive gospel, supported by prophesies and corresponding facts, the Jewish listeners were left without reply and without excuse.They clearly say that there was no hope for them but in the mercy of Him whom they had rejected and crucified. What shall we do? This was a natural question. How shall we escape those judgements which we now see hanging over our heads? While the apostle Peter convicted his hearers, there were complications to cast a doubt in their speedy act to believe, because of the complicated evidence of our Lord's doctrine and miracles as the obstinate unbelief of the Jews; and upon reflection, we see that neither Peter's words nor yet the miracles which the people witnessed would have produced those effects which followed, had not the Holy Spirit also been communicated to remove the veil of pride, prejudice, and sinful affections from their minds.

(38) Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Peter replied: Humble yourself before God and deeply deplore the sins you have committed; pray earnestly for mercy, and deprecate the displeasure if incensed justice. And be baptized every one of you. Take on you the public profession of the religion of Christ by being baptized in His name, and thus acknowledge yourselves to be His disciples and servants. For the remission of sins — In reference to the remission or removal of sin; pointing out the purifying influences of the Holy Spirit; and it is in reference to that purification that is administered, and should in consideration never be separated from it. For baptism itself purifies not the conscience; it only points one to the grace in which this is to be done. And ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. If ye faithfully use the sign, ye shall get the substance. Receive the baptism in reference to the removal of sins, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost, by whose agency alone the efficacy of the blood of the covenant is applied. It was by being baptized in the name of Christ that men took upon themselves the profession of Christianity; and it was in consequence of this that the disciples of Christ were called Christians.

(39) For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. For the promise is unto Jews of the land of Judea; not only the fulfillment of the promise which he had lately recited from the prophecy of Joel was made to them, but in this promise was also included the purification from sin, with every gift and grace of the Holy Spirit.

(40) And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying. Save yourselves from this untoward generation. The apostle pressed his gospel truths to show their condition as a crooked generation hurrying to their own destruction by saying, save yourselves, that is —Separate yourselves from them. Be ye saved: the power is present with you; make a proper use of it; and ye shall be delivered from the obstinate; delivered from their obstinate unbelief, and the punishment that awaits. Those who would not perish with them must come our from amongst them and be separate from them.

II. THE PEOPLE'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. (VV. 41-42.)  (41)  Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. The hearers joyfully, readily, and willingly approved of the doctrine delivered, that they were glad to hear of this way of salvation, and it began immediately to act in 

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according to its dictates. The Jews believed and obeyed, were baptized. That is, in the name of Jesus, for this was the criterion of a Jew's conversion; and when a Jew had received baptism in this name, he was excluded from all communication with his countrymen. No man would have forfeited such privileges but on the fullest and clearest conviction. Were added unto them about three thousands souls. So these three thousand left the Scribes and Pharisees, and put themselves under the teaching of the apostles, professing the Christian doctrine, and acknowledging that Christ was come and that he who was lately crucified by the Jews was the promised and only Messiah; and in this faith where they baptized. These three thousand were not converted under one discourse, nor in one place, nor by one person. All the apostles preached some in one language and some in another and not in one house – footwear was there one at this time that could hold such a multitude of people? Of the multitude that heard, three thousand were counted and if one in five was converted, it must have been a very large proportion. The truth seems to be this: All the apostles preached in different parts of the city during the course of that day and in that day three thousand converts work the fruits of the conjoint exertion of these holy men.

(42) Hand they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. They received it, kept it, and acted on its principles. The conversion of this great group was seven, yet their profession was not wavering, for they stedfastly attended to the instructions of the apostles, and adhered to their doctrine, although many efforts would be made to draw them aside by reasoning, ridiculing, or affecting to pity them as deluded enthusiasts. They also associated with the apostles and disciples in fellowship, religious conferences and spiritual worship joining with them in "breaking bread" as well and as in prayers. This seems to refer to the administration of the Lord's Supper in remembrance of the atoning sufferings and death of Christ.

III. THE DISCIPLES LIVING IN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. (VV. 43-47)  (43)  And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. In all these examples of the Holy Spirit's work in the mighty words said, a fear was engendered so that all enmity was paralyzed and the disciples had time to multiply and to unify and establish themselves before storms of persecution fell upon them.

(44) And all that believed were together, and had all things common; Many of the converts were strangers who probably were detained at Jerusalem longer than they had intended in order to get a further insight into the religion which they had embraced; and others were poor. The rich of the company were contented to share their abundance in common with their poorer brethren. This was remarkable evidence of their indifference about the world, of their joy and confidence in the Lord, in His providential care, as well as in His mercy and grace, of their love and gratitude to Him, and of their cordial affection to one another, though just before they had been strangers and divided from one another. It was done then not by command or constraint, but willingly.

(45) And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. The minds of the newly converted believers would be wrapt up in the joys of their newly found faith in the deep concerns of the principles of the eternal salvation they would be ready to divide with the poorer to make them feel happy at the results of the mighty effect of the blessed gospel. Thus you may be safe to say that a beautiful spirit of love actuated the group to have all things in common.

(46) And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. these believers were present at all times of public worship, and joined together in prayers and praises to God. Breaking bread. This is used to express the act of taking meals. Jewish hospitality. The bread of the Jews was then hard and dry and was never cut with a knife as ours is but was simply broken by the hand. The terms from house to house is used by Greek writers for home; At home  for though they had all things in common, they had their respective lodging to which they returned from public worship and shared meals with those who lived close to them. With gladness and singleness of heart. They were full of spiritual joy and happiness, walking by the same rule, and working for the same thing.