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(21) Neither shall they say, Lo here or, Lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. It will not be confined to any locality but will instantly cover the whole earth. Hence it would be useless to investigate or follow up any report that the kingdom is here or there, for it will be everywhere. Moreover, unlike other kingdoms which fail for lack of an inward response to outward regulations, the kingdom of God will be founded on a moral force within men's hearts. This does not deny it an outward polity. But the point for the Pharisees, to whom He was speaking, is that, like Nicodemus, they needed an inward renewal, rather than a keen and curious scrutiny of local occurrences, in order to enter the kingdom. It has been suggested that this should be rendered, "the Kingdom of God is among you," that is, in the person of the King. But the word here used certainly means inside, as witnesses its only other occurrence, which speaks of the inside of the cup and the plate in contrast with their outside. 

III. THE CHRISTIAN's PROPER EVALUATION. (V. 17) (17) For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Paul exhorts the Roman Christians to properly evaluate the 
Christian life. The material things of this world should not be given undue prominence and importance. The church and community were composed of both Jews and Gentiles, and there would be resulting differences of opinion about certain foods. The apostle here cautions the Christians do not allow their Christian liberty to prove spiritually harmful to their weaker brethren. the kingdom of God – The reign of Christ in the hearts of individuals, where He rules in power, grace, and love. It is not the habits and customs of daily life that are so essential to Christian living, but the spirit in which certain actions are performed or certain restrictions observed. Christians cannot afford to follow their own wills and desires. They must act in accord with the mind and will of God. We are accountable for the fate of our weaker brother. righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost – Paul sets forth the chief qualities of the Christian life. Righteousness, honorable and just dealings, in accord with the commandments of God; peace, the trust and contentment of the child resting in the parent's bosom, not anxious about daily cares; joy, happiness and exultation – these are the spiritual qualities to be cultivated by the followers of Christ.


Jesus had a very definite work to do in this world and He knew what His Father expected of Him. On this occasion He read the Scripture in the temple which spoke clearly of this work. All that the Master did while He walked on earth were the things which His Father was pleased to have Him do. Each of us has something – some work – that should be done for our heavenly Father. Help the children to understand that they too can work for God's kingdom.

Jesus came to do a very special work in this world. God had spoken through the prophets and other good men concerning His work and His words had been recorded in the Bible. When Jesus read a certain passage of Scripture in the temple on that day He explained to the people that the prophet was speaking of Him in the work which He was to do. As we strive to please our heavenly Father, He will show us the things which He would have us do.


1. What work did Jesus come to do?
2. What is the Kingdom of God?
3. What work can the Christian do to help the Kingdom?
4. How does the Kingdom ever help us?
5. What influence does the Kingdom have on the believers?
6. What way do we tell the work of the Kingdom?

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Lights on the Lesson
by Rev. Bernard Byrd, D. D.

LIGHT NO. 1 – Because God had made promises in his word that the people of God should rise from bondage to a high state of freedom and a kingdom wherein God himself would be the overseer, the Jews from the days of their liberation from Babylon etc., looked forward to the coming of two particular things, namely; A Messiah or champion to lead them against the forces of the underworld, and a kingdom wherein the Jews would be in charge. They looked with such anxiety that much attention was given to every unusual man child born among the Jews. Jesus who was the true Messiah but who was not well known by the people because sin kept their eyes holden, read the Scripture which introduced him as the king promised to reign over the eternal kingdom of God.

LIGHT NO. 2 – (Mark) In this Scripture we see a character of the true kingdom unlike the kingdoms of men which seek to destroy, for the kingdom of God is meant to harvest or gather souls from all nations.

LIGHT NO. 3 – (Luke) The kingdoms of men were usually introduced by ceremonies and forced upon all men within its boundaries, but the Kingdom of God as this Scripture reveals, first introduced itself into the hearts of men and spread from man to man.

LIGHT NO. 4 – (Romans) The Kingdom of God is more condition than it is spectacle: Its functions completely within a man's heart without aid or hinderance from without.

Editorial Reflections
by Rev. S. A. Pleasants, D. D.

The King, Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom are one. There could be no kingdom had there not been the King. The King created the Kingdom, in the realm of it, is controled by Him. When one knows the King, he knows the Kingdom. When one is in the King, he is in the Kingdom. When the Kingdom comes the King comes; when one is subject to the King he is subject to the Kingdom. When one is born into the Kingdom he is baptized into the King. When one has the Spirit of the King, he has the Spirit of the Kingdom and when one loves the King, he loves the Kingdom.

The King of the Kingdom always did what Kingdom Book said about Him. This was one of the things that made the people know that He was the King of the Kingdom. The King as the God-man was brought up in the church, and wherever He was on the Lord's day, He made it His custom, as is stated here, to enter the synagogue. On this occasion He stood up, and read the Scripture: reading about Himself as stated by the Holy Spirit through Isaiah, telling why the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him.

He did, during His stay on earth, the very things He read. He preached good tidings to the poor. He proclaimed release to the captives. He gave the blind their sight. He set at liberty those who are oppressed and He proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord.

The people who were ready to receive Him, knew by these works, that He was the King of the Kingdom.

In answer to the question asked by the Pharisees, Jesus gives us to know that the Kingdom of God does not come with observation, or outward show. Jesus said to them it is in your midst or within you. This refers to Himself who was in the midst of them. They could not visualize that Christ and the Kingdom were one. Being filled with their own selfishness, kept them from seeing as they should.

The Kingdom of God takes in the whole realm of God's creation. Whatever is God's is Christ's for God and His Son are One. God being the ruler of all things and persons or beings, makes Him ruler of Hell, Heaven, earth and the places that shall be the abode of men, angels after the great final decision of the Trinity is made.

Each class shall be to itself. The wicked shall be in one place, and the righteous in another. All that forget God, shall be turned into hell, and death and hell shall be turned into the lake that burns with brimstone. The righteous shall go into everlasting life, where righteousness, peace and joy shall always be. The King of the Kingdom, God's son, the God of the Kingdom, the Father Eternal, and God, the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Creator, shall be ruler of all, world without end.