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(15) share
ontill I got to no 8. Dugout, now that Dugout, were oir machine Gun Co. i. I stired By them. when I got around the cirve of the trench. I haird a shell comeing for me. I layed as flat as I could I thought it would land on me. for it were = so close to me. But it hit just over the top of the trench. it did [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] no mor then Burst. Befor there were a nother one comeing. so I made my way Back to Co i. Dugout it were onley for a Haf Hour. But I seen what would hapen to us if we stayed there. so we went on, and we no more then got to the Dugout Befor they stored a gan. year it were a Bad place. for them Germens would = shell one man as well, as they would one Hundred; the French had a water tank Down in a Deep Vailey. and that

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were all the water, that we were to used, for all of the other water were not fit to drink. we did not Dar to go down there onley once a Day, and that were at night to get oir water. so one Day, one of the = Bajer. went to get his share of water, for = the night, and one of the Germens 77th met him, a Pice of shrapnel Broke his - ankle; there were more then one there after water. But there were no water got in that night after that. for they did drop some gas Down in there from that time on. the gas were so thick there. that it all looked Blue, and it were notheing But gas; I did, and do to Day, thing that they wanted to Poisent ^[[X]] oir water. with that gas. that night. for they did not try to hit the tank of water. But they Put so mutch gas in one place. and it =