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and creep a long if posebell. we did= it for some time. then we were at= the end of oir retor we were to Dig out a trench there and it were all we could do. to get on Position. ready= it were in incaks they Brok the= French line. we were there we stayed there all night. we heard a five= reifel shoots along the line and that were all. for three or four night it were that way and we went up to the line thinkeing all the time that the Germans would come over. But they gave up thir Bluff and stayed on their one grand we went out of the trenches for ait ten Day rest. one Day after Dreel I layed under a tree. and I were near sleep I new it look like rain. But a rest were good to me at
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[[drawing of a plane and an explosion  in air above a hillside with trees]]
as he got over the strip of seder he openup on the Germans plain and all at once. he were a fair and came down. to rise no more