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front of me. it would drop in a Pool of water, and would be folloed by a nother I set listneing at it as it drep. By drep, in the Pool. a chrall from a gas a larm rang out the Germens had sent us over some gas, it were strong musterd gas, ofter [[sureing?]] to the Dugout Door. that they were goo[[d]] and wet with oail and water all went out in the main trench. I said to my Budy I think that they ar goeing to give us some troble to night. do you see how they air= stireing at it. his reply were it shore [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] means somtheing after a time we went down in the Dugout. night were comeing on. and it would  be a wet night, I knew for it that time. it were raineing I let a nother Cegarette, my mind were not with me at that time. it were at home of the U.S. I wounderd if I would

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get a letter from home. just then the Runer came in, I new that there were somtheing comeing of. that night for I never seen a Runer at that time of Day. with out there were somtheing to be Tolled [[Note: 2nd "l" faintly inserted in]] of. then the secy came with the ouder. called out sixteen pecked men I were one of them, they all asked him what it were for he soon tole us that it were a trip Beyon the wirs then we all new  that it were a noman land trep. there were one good theing a bout that night. and that were, it were Raineing .every theing were wet in [[n?]] nomanland so that we would not be heard by dry weeds or leevs we could go it all right in that line so the time came. we got in the Bay[[e]]. that we were to woite. this is where we