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were to go in nomanland. of at oir right were a Germen machine gun. he were at work swipeing nomanland. we new that oir machine guns were we're off to oir left. we new the sound of the Germens guns from oir own well. in nomanland where the sound of the machine gun came from. there were a piece of an old house that had been toren Down by a shell. some time in 1915 and we Belived him to be there that were one of oir points, he kep it up for some time. then he stoped at that time we were beyon the wair creepeing close to the ground as posebel makeing for the old house not a sound were made but every seckend. we would look. for his deadley sweep of machine gun Bullets. across nomanland. we kept on goeing
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the shells were Birsteing fast, as we made the hill
[[drawing of soldiers walking with guns amidst shell bursts]]