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and every hart. were beteing for we were lookeing.stright in the old house. where the Germen with the machine gun were. [[strikethrough]] made out [[s?ing]] of [[?e]] [[/strikethrough]]. we [[strikethrough]] sple [[strikethrough]] splet up, befor we got close to the block old house. and eight went one way. and eaight the other. we went on. every man were so close to the ground that you could not see him above the weeds. that drew  in nomansland. now to get to the old Broken down house.that looked like a letter u in the night. we hadto go[[-?]] down a little nole the eaight that were on oir left were on a straight line. but for the right to get on the other side .of the house we hadto go down the noel. that made, we were right to it and some in the house. where the Door usto be. there were a flight of stairs led to the seller. that were all covered up with Brick and dirt. no floor in the house the seller

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were full of every theing. But there were no Germen to be seen we looked all over about the old house notheing could be seen of him so we gave it up lookeing for. him and layed loe for the Patroal to come by. that were [[inserted, then erased?]] the [[/erased]] hardes part of the Job. whails layeing there in the rain waiteing they would send up a flair that would light the grond so that you could see to pick up a pen. we were in some shell holes and layeing close to the grond the rain were comeing faster and they would send up flaires one after a nother and we would stick to the shell hole like a sirpen. yet nothing shodup. at 3.30 o clock we stired Back for oir trench with nothing to tell or nothing to show for oir troble. But we were glad to get out of the rain. Day Began to Brake as we got in the Baye that led to the main trench