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we made it to oir Dugout and layed down to rest. but veary little rest we got but we made no more trips in nomanland that stay, it all were trench work we did. we would stay in the trenches twenty Days. when we would go out to rest up it would be ten Days out. so at that rait we would put twenty out of thirty Days so oir time were up for that stay to get a rest up. ten Days did not seem long to us befor we found oir selfs in the trenches a gan we had a good stay, that is I meen, part of it good there were notheing to do but waite the nights we so dark and not a stoir to be seen. every theing were still on oir right flank the algeriean were holdeing that part of the line. they were a good lot of fellows with us. But they did not cear for the French mutch. if we were with one of them and a French men came by us

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the algeriean would say Par-Bon. Dar. French Por-Bon. he ment that the French were no good for him, they were a bad lot to thir foe. for they would not give a foe a chance. I have seen them go over the top mineys a time and they never have a prisoner but his knife would have fresh Blood on it. when he came Back. they caried a knife. with the bleade about 8 iNC. long 2.iNC at the But of the blad and would [[?]] to a point. they would cairy this knife in their Belt, all the time. but when they would go over the top, they would put thir knife in to thir mouth, and no rifle ot all with them. I have seen them do it. But when they come Back do not look for a Germen for they would not have any with them, that is the way they would handel the Germens so they were on oir right. the night were a Black one not a stair to be seen it were