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not raineing onley clodey all a long the line were still on till zero hour. that is 12. o clock we call it zero hour, the French 75 and some Biger guns Began to drop shells Back of the Germens trench the shells were Birsteing three ot a time then the fair Raise and the Algerians Broke the still air like a pack of mad men for the Germen trench they did their work fast and good in thir way doeing it. the next Day I seen them they had no prisoner this time. from that night on we were lookeing for a raid to come of on oir side But notheing like that hopend But three nights after that a Germen came to oir line at night. some how, and made it close to oir line onley to hear what were said. he stayed a little to long this time and Day Broke on ~ him. then he tried to get a way but it
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[[drawing of soldiers lined up behind hill]]

even at night, we could not travle without Beeing seen By the skyline,