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knew that we were five kilos a way. But I all so knew that they could rich us at that Distance as we went on I could heare them shells Birsteing Back of me. they would sound like thounder. I knew all so that we were three kilos from them. But they would shake the ground even in that Distends But I thanked God. I got out all right from that shell fire. now at this time out of the trenches. we were called out on the fift Day, to go in Reserve for the French as they were goeing to make a fale attack. attack on the Germens to get them to ~ Drive the French Back to the Reserve. so that they would Be over oir frount line [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the French starded after them. it were not long Befor the Roner tole us that the germens had the French on the Run. a short time after we seen them comeing to us. now this

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place. it, would take some force to get throu us, and we were to hold that line. we had no troble with them. as we were waiteing Ready. the French artillery knew Right where they were, By the air plains, that were circeling a Round them. then a Red light came out of the airplaine. it did not Dy out Befor the French aRillery open up on them. the firing lasted a Bout half hour then it stoped. then the French took the front line a gan five hundred Germens were in Dugouts and in the Road and all over the place ~ not a man were Capured out of that number from that time on. the Germens would Be on the look out for all tricks, like that so we stayed out oir ten Days, to Rest up that we never did do REst, for we were on the go Day and night, I remember one time well. we puled 20 Days in the orgonne ~ woods at that time I did not no what