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enogh, on tell July 14th night. that night I will never for get it the shells came so quick on us. and we had 2 kilos to go in that shell fire. and we made it the Germens were makeing a new Drive, tryeing to get in to pairs it were Raineing the hills were like ice it were all you could do. to stand up ~ the mud were so thick and slipery [[crossout]] that you could not make fast time up the hill but we did not let that get the Best of us. it were the shells that we wonted to get throu. to make the line I Ran, and some time I would ly Down. then I would Creep a long then I would Run a gan and I did like ~ that on tell I got over the last hill. then we came to a Road. the Germens had that Road Blocked on us, there,

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there where I were made sad and mad all at the same time men were layeing all over the feel and Road men that I knew. all so my Budy. I looked to see if I could Do him any good. I could not for he were Don for. I took the Ditch that Ran with the Road for sometime the shells were comeing fast and I now were By the old Church that were toren Down some time in 1914. when I got there I did not have fair to gou. onley a cross a feel that feel were a life with shells. I seen how they were Dropeing and I made for it there were three others with me ot the time I colled to them, come on and we stired. we layed Down once goeing then we came to the trench that we had so mutch troble to get to and