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that seen it did the same ontell it were all gon, we were there five Days, and it Rained every Day and night. in that time the Germen air plaine came over to see what were to Be seen. and some times they would shoot ot us, the end of the 5 Day. that night we puled up. it had stoped Raineing and were geteing Colder that morneing put us in a tunell at 4. oclock. that place were full of troops, all so some pairts of it, had lights But the part that I had did not, tracks ~ Ran all throu it, it were so full that all ~ you could do were to stand up. if you would lay down some one would wolk on you so we were stocked up with corn willie to last us a weeke and all so hird Tack and water we stayed there two Dayes and every one of them looked like night to me. for I did not see any Day light

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from the time I went in. and it were night when I came out, the stairs were shineing Bright that night. we went down and got oir stock of - an then we made it for the trench the Germens were sendeing ~ some shells over now and then. But they did not no, what were comeing of on them some time soon. But as we got near oir trench. the shells Began to come more and more. that night the shells Birsteing in the feels and Road a head of us looked like lighting But we did not have to go in it. to get to oir trench, all tho they were comeing close. But we got in the ~ Boye. that led us to the main trench ~ this Boye were No 10 Boye. we got in the main trench all right. this were on the ~ 11th of september night the next morneing at a Bout 1. o.clock the artillery all a