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hot, the machine guns were in trees as well as in Bushess and in Housees and any theing they could get a machine gin in they had it there.  wimem as well as men ueseing a machine gun we were foceing a nother hill. the ~ snipers were thick all so I seen a machine gun nest I got him, my Budy and I wer after a nother one. Both of us were in the same shell hole. I were lookeing for a - nother hole that would put me in viue of him. after I seen one. I said to my comrad, you go one way and Ill go the other, and one of us can get him, for [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] we could not see him, from where we were at. for he were Back of a Rock, now it were to get him in sight and to do that we hat to take a chance of one to get it. Both of us left the shell hole, at the same

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time, I got near the shell hole that I had pecked out. when he let me have it, I went Down in the shell hole. he cliped my neck and got me throu my shoulder and right arm. yet I had notheing to eait yet and I onley had a little water in my canteen. I is Began to plug up my wounds when my Budy came to me and did what he could for me. then he tole me that he got the ~ germen and the gun, I were leyeing on my Back. I thought I could get up But I ~  could not do so. I shook hands with him and I never seen him cents. now the shells were comeing close to me. piceses of shell would come in near me some times then the Germen sniper kepted after me all Day, his Bullets would clep the shell hole that hill me this were 8 o clock in the morneing. some time that after noon