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some French swipers came by. they look for Germens that is left bock. so he seen me layeing there, when he did so. he stoped to say sometheing to me. But he never got it out. for just then a bullet past throu his head. and he sank on me. I seen him ~ comeing on [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] But I could not move, I were just that weeke. so I hat to take him. I were glad to get his water and all so bread. I took my left hand and I got some coffee, after some hird time ~ geteing it from him, after that I felt good and trided to get up a gan. But I were to week to do so. night were coming on. and it Began to rain. then I ~ tried to get the blanked from my Dear Comrad, that I could not do. and I could not get him of off me. the Rain came more and more ontell I were in water 

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yet I were groweing weeker and weeker all the time and I went to sleep. I cant say how long I slep. But two Boyes came and I woke up. they took the French men of off me and then look me out of the shell hole for some Distens where there were more wonded ones. I were left there the Rest of the night. every time I would get in a sleep I would Be woken up By the French troops goeing to the line. on tell near morning four French took me in to a Dugout and then to a nother on tell they found a Dr. then he did somtheing, I do not no aney more that night. when I woke up, it were Day. then I were caryed out of the Dugout I seen then that it were full of shot up men like my self some wirst then I. I layed out there for some time in the Rain waiteing for my tirn to be taken Down