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[H 17]

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office Sub-Division of Greensboro',
Greensboro', N. C., April 19th 1868. 

Bvt Lieut Col Jacob F Chur.
Act Asst Adjt General.
Bu R. F. & A. L.
Raleigh N. C. 


In obedience to your order contained in endorsement dated April 11" 1868, on the letter of W W Holden, Esq, written by the advice of J J. Martin, I at once repaired to Stokes County, to inform myself, as to the correctness of its contents.

I will state that when at Stokes Co Court March 16" ultimo, I left with the satisfaction of feeling that no assistance was necessary, for the suffering poor of that Co, as the Co Court made at that time, $700.00, appropriation, to aid the poor, and I was promised by the Chairman of the County Court, that if it should be insufficient, more would be expended.

Upon my arrival at Danbury, (the time Apr 13") I at once inquired from the chairman, whether such appropriation was used, and found upon evidence, that already more than $300.00 was expended, and that whenever poor apply to the wardens of the Poor, they are either sent to the poor house, or aided with money on their own premises.

I inquired regarding destitution, and consulted with 

Transcription Notes:
"ultimo" means "of the preceding month" Just FYI: Per 5/15 email communication with SI staff, we no longer need to include ^ symbol to denote superscripts when transcribing (e.g., May 2d rather than May 2^d). -- Beth