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Lexington N.C.
Apl 14th 1868.

Col Wm F. Henderson
Agt B.R.F. & A.L.
Lexington N.C.

In compliance with your request I make the following report — there is no money at present in the Treasury, but on the 6th Inst, I paid to H. Adams chairman of the Wardens Court Two Hundred & Thirty-Two 30/100 Dollars ($232.30) which I think will be adequate to met the wants of the poor of this county with the addition of provisions which have heretofore been purchased untill the Sheriff can collect Taxes to meet approbations which have been made, in the event the supplies fail before the Taxes are collected arrangements will be made to supply the demand.

I have the honor 
to be yours Resp,
A L Hege County Trustee.

Transcription Notes:
On Page 41, the writer's name appears to be "A. C." Hege instead of "A. L."