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Rocky Mount Edge Combe County N. C.
June 22nd 1868

Jacob F Chur
Act Asst Adjt Gen'l


I have the honor to request, that I am furnished with three hundred bushel of corn, and five thousand pounds of meat, for gratuitous distribution, to the destitute of both races, in Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson Counties; under my jurisdiction as a Bureau officer, - The applications that have been made to me for relief have been almost innumerable, and the destitution, and actual suffering, from the best evidence I can obtain, is very great indeed; and far exceeds any thing ever experienced here before; arising, principally from the fact that this is a cotton growing country, and most all Planters, expecting a high price for cotton last fall, planted, the spring before, large quanties of Cotton, to the exclusion of corn, and other grain. - The Cotton ^[[crop]] being almost a failure, entirely, and the price last fall being very low indeed, (when they were obliged to sell, from circumstance, which you know better