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Statesville N. C.
April 3rd [[?]]8

Bvt Maj Genl N. A. Miles

Allow me to intrude upon your time a few moments to inform you that I have conditionally accepted the nomination of Sheriff on the Rep ticket of this Co. this was not done until I had been repeatedly urged by the White Republicans, who stated that no competent native Rep could be found in the Co. they allso stated, and I believe, that this act will be for the benefit of the Party, bring many votes of Union men who would otherwise have voted the other ticket and against the Constitution, I have not sought Office nor would I accepted the nomination but for the reasons above stated 
The condition of my acceptance is as follows Providing it meets with your approval and will not debar me from holding my present position, unless elected and I do not expect to be elected, nor do I expect to neglect my duties to canvass the county.

An early reply is respectfully requested

Transcription Notes:
changed "or" to "nor"