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[J 26]

Report of an investigation in regard to the trading of a Government Boat, for which Dr J. K. Fleming
A. A. Surg. U. S. A. was responsible.

Bureau of R. F. & A. L.
Office Sub District of
New Berne N. C. Novr 7" 1868.

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Dr J. K. Fleming A. A. Surg. U. S. A. having been duly sworn, deposeth that when the Hospital was broken up, the Government Boat, was in a bad condition; Jim Hatch, had the boat repaired at an expense of $12 or $10.  Jim came one day in the garden and said to me, that he had a good chance to trade the Government boat, for another boat, which was a dug-out, a horse, and a cart.  I told him that it was a Government boat, and could not be traded, but however, I would like to see the dug-out, the horse and the cart.

Jim Hatch might have taken this as permission to trade the boat, but I never gave him authority to do so.  It is my impression that this boat, is the same one that was transferred to Capt. McKillip by Capt. Hillebrandt.  I suppose that the boat was worth about $25.00 before Jim Hatch and Alfred Poole, had it repaired.

I asked Jim Hatch where the man lived that traded for the Government boat,

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Testimony of Dr J. K. Fleming
A. A. Surg. U. S. A.