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Office Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Company Shops N. C. August 1. 1868

I have the honor to request permission to absent myself from my Station for twenty days, for the purpose of Conducting my family to Harrisburg, Penna.

Sickness in my family urges me to make this application; and not having had more than ten days Leave of absence since my entry into the Army, January 25. 1862, I respectfully request that this application be favorably received.

I am Colonel
very respectfully
your obedient Servant
[[signature]] F W Liedtke [[/signature]]
Lieut. 43d Infantry
Asst. Sub Asst. Comr. F. B. 

[[right curly bracket]]
Colonel J. F. Chur
A A A Genl. Hd Qrs.
A. C. Bu. R. F. and A. L.
N. C.
[[/right curly bracket]]

Transcription Notes:
Just FYI: Per 5/15 email communication with SI staff, we no longer need to include ^ symbol to denote superscripts when transcribing (e.g., May 2d rather than May 2^d). -- Beth