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Land, and I decided that Leath should remain in possession of the horse until he had harvested his Crops and not to give any Share to Murray, unless he was furnished with horse, plow and advance rations; and if he had not work enough in the Crop to occupy his time, to work out for Murray or any body else for wages. Andrew Murray afterwards threatened to put Leath out of the house by getting the assistance of a Magistrate, whereupon I informed him that he, the Magistrate and all who aided and abetted him in such a proceeding, would be arrested. The case remained thus for a short time, when Murray asked me to reexamine the case, to which I agreed, giving him a notice for Leath, and requiring all parties to come again before me. None however appeared until Monday, July 6, 1868, when Jerry Leath came to me and Complained that during the night from July 4th to 5th his house had been forcibly entered by Andrew Murray Jr. and four or five others, who forcibly put Jerry Leath, his wife and sick child out of the house, threw all his property out of the house, tore the roof off, and then fired several Shots at Leath and his wife, endangering their lives and thus forcibly driving him from his home. I wrote to Magistrate C. Sellars requiring him to examine into the Case, but he returned my letter begging that the Case be brought before another Magistrate, as he, Sellars, is a near Relative to Murray. I then went with Leath before Magistrate R H. Boyd and obtained a warrant