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Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Company Shops N.C. Oct. 21 1868


The Bearer of this, Joe Harvey, colored, [[underlined]] rented [[/underlined]] this Spring, as you will see by enclosed Contract, a piece of land from W.S. Caffey, white, who had originally rented it from John Ireland, his father in Law;-

About two week ago Harvey came to me complaining that Caffey had violated the agreement by not furnishing horse & tools nor Barns to store the Tobacco and Corn made by him; and that he, Caffey, was then, at the time of the Complaint, actually harvesting and carrying away Harveys Crop of Tobacco against the wish and will of the present actual owner, Harvey.

I spoke to several Justices of the Peace to ascertain whether or not Caffey could be restrained in his unlawful actions, but ascertained that he could be sued in the Superior Court for trespass only and that the Suit would be costly to Plaintiff, in fact he would not be able to give the necessary Security.

I advised Harvey to go back, to forbid Caffey's further trespassing on the lands rented by Harvey and to harvest with all speed the Corn and other Crops, and in absence of a Barn or other secure place of Storage, to store the Crops in his own house, he having reason to mistrust