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the honesty of Caffey, need not entrust him with the Keeping of the Crops prior to Division, — and not to allow Caffey to divide any portion of it until he had accounted for the Tobacco unlawfully taken away by him, to Arbitrators to be selected by Harvey and Caffey.

A few days after this Caffey came to me and complained that Harvey was harvesting the Corn against his, Caffeys, orders. I told Caffey that this had been done by my advice and that the best way for him and Harvey to pursue would be for him to furnish a secure Barn with two Locks, each party having one Key, that he, Caffey, should return to that Barn all the Tobacco already taken, and Harvey to carry there all the Corn, and that then each party should select Arbitrators to divide the Crops between them according to the Contract. Caffey seemingly agreed to this and left.

To day Harvey comes to me and states that yesterday Calvin Roney, J. Rich Ireland, Wm. Hall and W.J. Caffey came to his house, Ireland acting as a Constable, and with a Search warrant searched his house for stolen corn, arrested Harvey and took him before Asa Isle Esq. Justice of the Peace, who examined these four men Roney, Caffey, hall and Ireland and Harveys witnesses as to the amount of Corn Harvey had in his house and the Manner of his harvesting it, only, but