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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office of Sub-Division of Company Shops, State of North Carolina,
Company Shops, N. C., ^[[Nov. 15.]], 186^[[8.]]

I beg leave to invite your attention to the Condition of affairs in regard to freedpeople in Allamance and Caswell Counties, but before proceeding with my Statement I beg to say that this report is not actuated by any personal illfeeling of mine on account of insults and indignities received by me and my family, while stationed in the South, at the hands of the Enemies of the Government, which, God knows, were more than enough to try the best tempered man and to tempt, nay, to force him to commit acts of violence to defend from and resent personal injuries offered his wife and little ones. I say I am not actuated by any of these personal affairs of mine, but purely because I deem it to be my sacred duty to protect and defend as