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out of the mouths of the poor people, and the Employers openly avow to them their hellish design by telling the freedman who begs him to have his Share of Tobacco valued and impounded as Securety, for its value of, the debt, so as to leave him some bread for his family "You have voted for the radicals and against my interests and now I am going to starve you. I am going to take all your Corn from you for what you owe me and will drive you off, and nobody will employ you radical Niggers, and you will starve by the time your Tobacco is ready for division."

I am not in favor of upholding and protecting the Colored man in everything, right or wrong, nor of making a great halloo about insignificant abuses or illtreatments, which might be, if not excused, at least overlooked on account of their former relations to each other, but the State of affairs at present is not the work of one or two