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L 61 Vol. 1. 1869.

[[preprinted]] Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C., ^[[27th January,]] 186^[[9.]] [[/preprinted]]

Bvt. Maj. Gen'l. O. O. Howard.

I have the honor to transmit herewith sketch of contract proposed to be entered into, as per instructions contained in your communication of 10th ulto., and respectfully request whether the same meets the views of the Commissioner, and if I shall proceed with the erection of the buildings?

Very respectfully
Your obd't serv't.
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur. [[/signature]]
Brevet Lieut. Colonel.
Asst. Commissioner and
Chief Sup't. of Schools.