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of best hard burnt brick, the portion under ground may be of sound rock if so ordered.  The chimneys within to be of good brick and run two feet above the comb of best hard burnt brick.  Pillars and chimneys to be constructed in workmanlike manner.  The entire house to be plastered inside, three coats, skim coat finish of best lime mortar, with washboards, strips in passage for hat and overcoat racks and in rooms as directed by the faculty.

The six houses for dormitories for students to be each thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide, one story with ten feet pitch for ceiling, divided into two rooms, each room to have two windows, one door, one small clothes closet, and one flue, with wash board and strips for clothes rack, plastered with three coats skim coat finish, of best lime mortar and workmanlike manner.

The two Professors houses and six houses for dormitories to be what is usually termed "a turn key job"  Also 522 pannels of fencing, the posts to be 5x5 inches six and half feet long with two feet in the ground, with five plank, the bottoms 12, others 6 inches wide nailed firmly to the posts, with four double gates and four single gates, all of good materiel and in workmanlike manner.

Also three houses (privies).  One twenty feet by six, and the others eight feet by six in usual style.  The first house for Professor to be completed within ninety days after the contract is awarded, the next in sixty days and the six houses for dormitories and the fencing and three small houses in sixty days thereafter.