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Letters and Comments . . .

I wish your journal success, for there is great need for this type of publication in this country.

Dr. Kerim Kami Key
Lecturer in History
The American University
Washington, D.C.

We would be glad to receive future issues of the journal (MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A.) regularly for the Library of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

Mohammed Shaffi, Librarian
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan
Karachi, Pakistan

May Allah make all of your undertakings successful.

Jamil Abdur-Rashid
Brooklyn 2, New York

I hope (MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A.) will receive merited support.

L. Glick
Philadelphia, Penna.  

We wish you success in the undertaking you have launched.

Mohammed Makki
Durban, Union of South Africa
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[[underlined]] IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT [[/underlined]]

The next issue of MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A. will be a VERY SPECIAL one. Containing a number of Exclusive, Original articles on Islam, Christianity, and the Moslem World, and consisting of at leas 60 pages, the issue will be a combined publication for three months-October, November and December. Price per copy would be One Dollar.
Readers of MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A. who have not as yet subscribed to this magazine are urged to do so now. (Subscription rates are: $4.25 for one year, $7.50 for two years, and $10.00 for three years.)

A copy of "The Meaning of the Glorious Koran" by Marmaduke Pickthall OR an extra copy of the next VERY SPECIAL issue will be sent to all new subscribers as a Gift!

Please send in YOUR subscription today!


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[[image]] Islamic prayer rug with Islamic writing. [[/image]]

MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A. is the first authentic, illustrated monthly journal of Islam and Islamic affairs ever published in the United States of America.

The editor-publisher of this journal, Abdul Basit Naeem, is the Representative in the U. S. A. of "Jam'iat-ul-Falah," a Moslem religious organization of Pakistan, the sole aim of which is "to work for the exposition, propagation and implementation, in all its fulness, of the scheme of life promulgated by Islam and, thereby, to promote the all-around well-being of humanity."

"Jam'iat-ul-Falah" itself also publishes a monthly journal, "The Voice of Islam," which is edited by Dr. Hafiz Mohammed Fazlur-Rahman Ansari, our advisor. All correspondence pertaining to "The Voice of Islam" should be addressed to the Central Office direct--at  A. M. 20, off Frere Road, Karachi (Saddar), Pakistan.


[[italics]] Opinions expressed in the various articles of this issue are those of the individual authors and, where they appear in quotes, those of the person or persons quoted. [[/italics]]


COVER PHOTOS: "Disciple and Teacher," Mr. Malcom X., Minister of the New York Temple of Islam, and Mr. Elijah Muhammad, of Chicago, both of whom have contributed special articles to this issue of MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A.

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Moslem World & the U.S.A.

Dr. Hafiz Mohammed Fazlur-Rahman
Ansari Al-Qaderi

Abdul Basit Naeem

August-September 1956

[[bold]] Contents: [[/bold]]

Letters and Comments | 2
  Good News from Egypt |4
  Moslems in the U. S. S. R. |6
  Islam is Misunderstood, and Why? |8
The Black Man and Islam |11
  The Black Nation |14
The Rapidly Growing Temple of Islam | 19
Moslems in India | 28
YEMEN: Blend of Past and Present |31
Operation "Bootstrap" in Libya |33
The World's Oldest Living Man is a Moslem |34
Jiddah, the Port of Mecca |35
The Late Maulana Siddiqui Al-Qaderi |39
Words of Divine Guidance |40

[[italics]] New Address: [[/italics]]
Post Office Box 36, Brooklyn 21, N.Y.

Yearly Subscription $4.25
3-Year Subscription $10.00