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[[image - black & white photograph of women sitting]] [[photograph credit - CURT CLEMONS]] [[caption]] Moslem women, or "sisters" as they are generally called, take a very active part in the affairs of their temple. They help in secretarial work, in raising funds for their Moslem movement, and in the education of younger members of their group. Seen here are a few of the nearly two hundred "sisters" who were present at the "Moslem Feast" held recently in New York City. [[/caption]] 20 MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[image - black & white photograph of people standing by a railing]] [[photograph credit - CURT CLEMONS]] [[caption]] Sons and daughters of all Temple members are required to enroll and take instruction "in the Knowledge of their Kind, Islam and Arabic" in classes especially designed for them and conducted on the Temple premises. Some of them are seen in this photograph with one of the teachers. (This picture was also taken at the "Moslem Feast" held recently in New York City). [[/caption]] AUGUST-SEPT. 1956 21