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The statement which follows was prepared at the request of the Federal Council's Commission on the Church and Minority Peoples by a committee of its Negro members consisting of Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, chairman, Dr. Channing H. Tobias, Dr. Charles H. Wesley and Miss Olivia P. Stokes. Approved by the other Negro members of the Commission, it was sent to a large and representative number of Negro churchmen throughout the country who were invited to become signers of the document.

It is now issued as an expression of the point of view of those whose names are appended, and is being distributed for the consideration of the churches as a contribution to that fuller mutual understanding which is basic to any effective dealing with the problem of color within the Church and in society.

Bradford S. Abernethy, Director
Commission on The Church
and Minority Peoples
297 Fourth Avenue
New York 10, N.Y.

November, 1944