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"I will make up the full sum."

   Friends, hear me, when I say that every triumph is the fruit of a crusade. Every marvelous event is born of agony. The steep ascent is climbed through peril, and toil, and pain. It is a zig-zag path, but that breaks the force of the hill. Now friends, ours is not a bloodless battle. Agony and dawn have always kissed each other. You know, God's tremendous things have never been given to an apathetic church.  The Cross has never won victories by the hands of sluggish and unbleeding hearlds [[sic]].  Calvary has never told its convicting story through the ministry of frozen hearts.  In all of the great days, somebody has suffered to make up the full sum.

   You know, at the turn of this twentieth century, Christianity is challenged as never before to pay the full price. [[bold]] Full price. [[/bold]] Victory will not be wrapped in a surprise package and thrown at our feet.  You know, this old world is drunk with power.  This age is marked by the Atomic and Hydrogen bombs, but the gospel can blast it sway through. (BLAST STUMPS).

   Time is when we must become factors of importance in averting war, and promoting peace.  We must dedicate ourselves to God's peacemaking program.  A living force.  A dynamic power.  Make up the full sum.  It is ours to justify our position in a world that is tainted with impurity and shame; a world whose spirit is one of cruelty, and lust and greed and pleasure. Pleasure mad!

   In the midst of world changes, the church must keep her perspective clear.  Hers is a saving ministry.  She must not be robbed of her sense of sin.  You know, the era in which we live is not glacial, but volcanic, and the church must keep her senses of right unaffected by flag or boundary line.  She is ordered into all the world.  She must be zealous to defend her humaness [sic]; her Christianess [sic]; Her wells, and Fountains of Life, and she must keep them deep, and pure and clean and sweet.

   In the days ahead, the church must remain the eye, the ear, the mind, and the heart of our Lord on earth.  The church must fill up on her part.  She must make up the full sum.

   To fill up, the Gospel must be preached.  The Gospel of the Son of God.  It is a refining Gospel. It magnifies the