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up and mysteries combined with them to make this a bewildering world--an exhausting world. We contend every day with forces for which we of ourselves are no match. Our efforts must be supplemented from a source outside of ourselves. We must rely heavily on God.

   But listen to me, the very disorder of life makes it a glorious life.  Suppose it were possible for us to run pass all of the disorder; all of the disturbances; all of the conflicts, and could say with certainty, there is NOTHING beyond this point to trouble me, then, for us that would be the end of adventure; it would be the end of challenge; it would be the end of ambition; it would be the end of struggle; it would be the very end of life.  We prefer to live in a world that stretches our minds; a world that stimulates our imaginations; a world that inspires our zeal; yes, a world that requires of us struggle. What would we be like in a world without struggle? Nothing ever grows in a land where the sun always shines. Struggles are great contributors to life. My brethren, all of us are witnesses that a great deal of this modern life produces conditions which create [[sic]] conflict.  Such was the experience of the Apostle Paul, and he said, "When I would do good, evil is present with me." 
 We find that the competitions of life are so strong and varied, and they will weaken us lest we have access to Divine resources, and know how and when to tap for fresh strength to appropriate to this business of living.  Living is a very serious business.

[[bold, centered]] Listen To The Prophet [[/bold, centered]] 

   This ancient expression: "And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing on his right hand to resist him" presents a a [[sic]] modern truth.  In spite of it [[sic]] remote setting; in spite of its archaic language it fits with exactness our twentieth century CHURCH LIFE.  You take it from me, church life is not easy.  To me, this text presents an unforgettable and LIFE- SIZE PICTURE.  A leader; an anxious leader being boldly attacked by Satan.  A leader who is doing his best, and Satan is striving against him.  One of Satan's camping grounds is as close to God's man as possible. None of us are exempted