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ner was won by Metropolitan and Campbell churches. The President, Mrs. Stewart, of Metropolitan, said they were willing to give the banner to Campbell, as it would be a greater incentive to them. And that the pin be given to Rev. J. S. Collins, Presiding Elder of the Hagerstown District, whose Banner was awarded to Mrs. Violet Manokoo, President of St. John's. Motion made report be received. Carried.

A motion was moved and second that the Easton and Centreville Districts be considered as one until after the convention.

The tellers returned with the following results:

The following, Mrs. E. L. Stepteau, Mrs. Eliza Addison, Mrs. Martha Thompson, Mrs. Margaret Stewart and Mrs. Eva Barnum. constitute the Executive Board.

A motion was made that a vote of thanks be given the tellers for their excellent work. Carried.

Mrs. Ford made the presentation to the church.

The Resolution Committee made its report. Adopted.

The following presentations were made in token of services rendered: Mrs. Morley presented Mrs. Briscoe a token.

Mrs. Green presented Mrs. Harris a token.

Mrs. Stewart presented Mrs. Pinder, a token.

Mrs. Dames presented Mrs. Ford a token.

Mrs. Boston presented the Y. P. D. banner to Mrs. Manokoo.

Mrs. R. J. Martin sent her report from Handy Memorial A. M. E. Church. Mrs. Davis has charge of the Art Table, with the following assistants: Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Manokoo, Mrs. Sawyer, and Mrs. Comegys.

Following were appointed assistants to Mother's Meetings: Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. D. Green, Mrs. Mary Proctor.

The officers were installed by the Presiding Elder of the Hagerstown District. Rev. John S. Collins. Each officer thanked the convention for electing them, and promising always to give the best that is in them for the service of the Blessed Master and for humanity.

Missionary Benediction. Final Adjournment.

MRS. MAMIE M. PINDER, Secretary.
MRS. MARY J. HENRY, Ass't Sectretary.


Frederick, Md. Sept. 11, 1925

We, your Committee on Memoirs, submit the following report:

Since our last convention death has invaded our ranks.

Bishop Chappelle, South Carolina: Bishop Connor, Arkansas; Rev. O. E. Jones, Washington; Rev. Molock, Berlin; Rev. R. M. Johnson, Newark; Mrs. Amanda Tucker, Trinity; Mrs. Lcuisa Brown, Mt Gilboa; Mrs. Helen Dent, Trinity Church, Baltimore: Mrs. Alice Williams, St. John: Mrs. Althea Brown, Allen Baltimore; Mrs. Cora Jackson and Mrs. Baskerville, Caroll; Mrs. Ella Bond, Bethel; Mrs. Agnes L. Stewart, Mt. Calvary; Mrs. Patience Bird and Mrs. Eliza Torsell, Hardy Grace, Catsonville; Mrs. Mary Mary C. Bantum Waters; Mrs. Anita Stewart, Chestertown, Mr. Earnest Grayson, Allen Baltimore; Mrs. Annie Ringgold St. Paul,