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Frederick, Sept. 11, 1925.

Mrs. President, officers and members of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Baltimore Conference Branch:

We beg leave to make the following report:

Realizing as I do, the great power in prayer and the results derived therefrom, it being the soul's sincere desire unuttered or expressed, and being conscious of the fact, that the ear of the Almighty God is always open to those who desire or need. His help; not only do I flnow  it from self-experience having been so often refreshed from the well of salvation.

Wren I have sought Him from the depth of my heart, but also from the knowledge of the experiences of various characters of the Bible, "Paul and Silas being in jail, even their feet being in stocks; yet through their prayers and songs they were delivered. Daniel in the lion's den, through the power of prayer the lions became a pillow for him, he was finally delivered.

"The Three Hebrew Children in the fiery furnace, because of disobedience to the king's orders, through the power of prayer, were delivered and unharmed by an angel sent by God to cool the flames.

"Lydia of Phyatira, a seller of purple, through the power of prayer was not only convered herself, but was instrumental in bringing her entire household to Christ. The power of prayer is just as effective today as it was then.

With a united effort on the part of every Christian to carry the world to Christ. The strong walls of sin in many homes would be broken down.

"Owing to the distance I am from the city, I have no been able to visit as many homes as formally. Yet I have gone in as many as I could reach and have rendered effective service. For nine months I have visited one home nearly every day until God took her to Himself. It has been my privilege to point many souls to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. I have worked among the children by holding the sins of the world. I have worked among the children by holding weekly meetings for their spiritual benefit.

"Wishing I could do more, I ask your prayers for the work.

Respectfully submitted,
Your humble servant


1.--I recommend that the Chairman of the Mother's Meeting and the Chairman of Temperance Meeting outline a definite program for a meeting to be held in each society at least once a quarter.

2.--I recommend that beginning with the next quarter, the Baltimore Conference branch elect officers quadriennially instead of annually. The election to be held at the first meeting after the Quadriennial Convention.