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Rev. J. G. Martin addressed the Quarterly Meeting and thanking them for the kind remembrances to his wife, Mrs. R. J. Martin. Rev. Martin also made an earnest appeal to our Society for help from the ladies to purchase a building for disabled ministers.

Mrs. Briscoe responded to Rev. Martin.

Rev. Davis introduced Dr. Scott, who spoke in the interest of the School of Religion of Howard University. The President responded also to Dr. Scott.

MMrs. [[sic]] Sara Fernandis, a social worker, was introduced and gave us a wonderful address. She made an appeal for help for a little child who needs the help of the Christian workers.

The following ministers were introduced: Revs W. A. Harris, E. E. Hughes, E. N. Thomas, Fred. Johns, and J. H. Briscoe.

A communication of thanks was read from Rev. Stepteau and family on the death of his mother.

Offering was lifted by the Finance Committee amounting to $4.78.

Missionary Benediction. Adjournment.


2:30 P. M. -- Mrs. McEaddy presiding.

Song--"Saved" led by Mrs. Diggs, prayer by delegate from Handy Mem. Church.

III Palm was read by Mrs. L. D. Pennington. Song, "If Jesus Goes With Me."

Mrs. E. L. Stepteau made a plea for subscriptions to the Missionary Recorder.

Song, "I'm Trusting My Redeemer."

The President's Hour conducted by Mrs. Stepteau,who made a brief address and then presented Mrs. Florence Carroll of the Wash M. E. Conference, who indeed inspired our hearts. The response was made by Mrs. C. B. Smith, widow of Bishop C. S. Smith.

Mrs. Thomas, of the Washington Conference, gave us a wonderful address in the interest of the Young People.

Response by the President of the Young People.

Response by the President of the Y. P. D. of the Baltimore Conference, in the person of Mrs. M. F. Thompson.

Question Box by Mrs. Holder. There were no questions.

Report of Y. P. D. was made by Mrs. Thompson, in which she gave greetings from the World Wide Missionary Congress held in Washington in January, 1925, which was full of inspiration.

Report of Minute Committee. Report adopted.
Report of Contingent Committee. Report adopted.
Report of Sarah A. Tanner Mem. Fund. Report adopted.
Report of Student Fund. Report adopted.
Report of Parent Contingent. Report adopted.
Report of Special Fund. Report adopted.
Report of Quadrennial Assessment. Report adopted.
Report of 1st and 2nd Quarterly Meetings by the Treasurer. Report adopted.
Report of Corresponding Secretary. Report adopted.
The Committee on the Pin reported. Mrs. Stepteau thought the Pin should not be awarded and the committee brought it up in the Board. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Harris also spoke on the subject. The motion was unanimous that the Pin be deferred until the next Annual Meeting.