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Finance, Mrs. A. P. Fitchett; Contingent, Mrs. Margaret Thomas; Minute, Mrs. Edris Morley; Quadrennial Mrs. C. Pendleton Special Fund, Mrs. F. Simms; Student Fund, Mrs. Helen Lewis; Sara A. Tanner Memorial Fund, Mrs. Dora Murray.

The President announced the death of Bishop Chappelle of South Carolina.  Mrs. C. B. Davis explained the cause of the Bishop's death; after the explanation, she made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Dora Murray, "That the Woman's Mite Missionary Society of the Baltimore Conference Branch, send a telegram of condolence to Mrs. Chappelle;" carried.

The Layman's hour conducted by Mrs. Chainey, subject: "What part of the responsibility of the Missionary work is the duty of the layman."  The subject was opened by Mrs. M. F. Thompson. Those who took part in the discussion were: Mrs. Mary F. Henry, Mrs. L. A. Jordan and Mrs. M. E. Diggs. Mrs. Chainey closed the discussion.

Paper--"Some Methods of Increasing the Financial Condition of the Society," by Mrs. A. M. Nelson.  The paper was interesting and well delivered.

A motion was made by Mrs. Harris, seconded by Mrs. Manokoo that the essayist be commended and that the most important points of the essay be inserted in our Minutes. Motion was carried.

Communications were read by the Corresponding Secretary from the following: Mrs. Thedothia Baker, Mrs. A. P. Fitchett, Mrs. C. Trusty and Mrs. M. S. C. Beckett, Corresponding Secretary of the Parent Body.

The Committee on Courtesy presented the following visitors: Revs. Baker, P. H. Green, Fickland, Dunlap, Williams, M. H. Davis, Drummond, J. A. Briscoe and Mrs. Lilian Johnson, wife of the Secretary of the Church Extension Society of Washington, D. C., who gave the Convention a splendid address, which was full of thought and inspiration.

The collection was lifted by the Finance Committee to the amount of $5.12.

Missionary Benediction. Adjournment.



2:30 P. M. -- Song, Page 123 in Hymnal with Miss Evlyn Barnum at the piano.  Prayer by Mrs. Dora Murray.
Song.  The President, presiding.
Contingent Committee made its report. Report adopted.
Minute Committee made its report. Adopted.
Quadrennial Committee made its report. Adopted.
Student Fund Committee made its report. Adopted.
Sara A Tanner Memorial fund made its report. Adopted.
Special Fund Committee made its report. Adopted.
Parent Contingent Committee made its report. Adopted.

The President presented Mrs. B. K. Hurst, who gave us a wonderful address.

The Junior Hour was conducted by Mrs. M. F. Thompson. There were several recitations by Dorothy Green and Mary Jones; a piano solo by Walte Wonguist.