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The missionary society should stand out in bold relief against vice in every form. It should be on the lookout for the speakeasy and the unspeakable easy where the souls of our sons and daughters are bartered away. It should be the community broom. Thru fervent prayer and faith in God's promises and power, you can move anything. If faith can move a mountain, surely faith will move a den of vice.

There are those who are called to do pioneed [sic] work in foreign fields. They must civilize and Christianize. For means to carry on the work successfully they are looking homeward. It is not enough for the church to have missionaries who are able, earnest, consecrated, courageous and prepared. They must have behind them a strong and loyal home base. The church that sends representatives to foreign fields and forgets that they are there brings contempt upon itself and defeats its own cause. It is our plain duty to make the strength and loyalty of the home society a Gilbraltra of courage and hope to those who are giving their lives to the cause. Are we doing our best? How we love to sing - "If you cannot give your thousands, you can give the Widows Mite," and put put [sic] especial emphasis on the lines: "And the least you do for Jesus will be precious in His sight. We forget that the widow's mite was a blessing only because it was a sacrifice. She gave her all. Are we giving our half? Or even our tenth?

The reports of the three previous quarters were very gratifying, and I believe in this fourth you will not fail. I wish to commend you for the noble way you have labored. If you have not done your best, keep conscience at work. My sisters, God wants our best efforts.

Our Mothers' meetings and temperance meetings are far from functioning as we desire. Let us try in this meeting to find the cause and a remedy, and put new life in those departments.

Let us look more seriously to our Students' Fund. The age is calling for prepared service. Let us build up a fund that will enable us to not only send a Christmas token to a few students but enable us to help in a substantial way some worthy student reach the goal.

Our Young Peoples' Department is moving on nicely under the direction of our efficient and sincere directress, Mrs. M. F. Thompson, upon whom the mantle of loving service has fallen from our much beloved and sainted Sister Anna E. Waddleton; and yet we shall not be satisfied until we can say "the Young Woman's Auxiliary is a live factor in every church in our Branch."

I wish to express my gratitude for your unstinting co-operation during the past five years of my service. But for your encouragement, oftimes [sic] I might have grown weary. But your responsiveness has made the work a pleasue [sic]. May Heaven's choicest blessings rest upon each one of you, and may the Spirit of the Blessed Master abide with us during this meeting and keep our hearts and minds staid on the things that are true and right. And may we go from this place filled with His love and more deeply consecrated to the work.